Sunday 11 February 2007


Well - I took advice and photographed. Now I need advice on what to do with these:

(There is one photo there of a shop that sold only buttons and ribbons - a scrappers paradise I'd bet)


Morti said...

Well, wow is all I can say. They're fabulous photos - love the button shop, and the pigs in the trash are for advice, I'm sure Mrs Grendel will answer that one for you!

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful husband you are..but, no photo's of cups of coffee?? at least you got the chocolate, icecream and buttons right!!! (love the piggies)...

Anonymous said...

What do you mean? Scrap them, or write a bit of commentary and bat your eyelashes at Mrs. Grendel.

I am a fiend for taking pictures of where I am rather than with whom. One of the tricks is taking both macro and micro pics, as you have done. lovely, and we expect to see the pages in the next week.