Thursday 3 May 2007

Done like a Dinner

I reckon all the scrapbookers can go over and gloat here with Mrs Grendel because the green paint is on the walls, the desk has been moved in, shelves filled with albums and not a surround sound home theatre system to be seen.

Yes, Mrs Grendel's scrapping studio is finished - apart from some electrical work and a little drilling on my part.

Junior Grendel Number 2 got in on the act by helping with the painting as only a 3-yr old knows how and while we still have to paint the doors and the hall and install the cooler it is substantially finished.

The whole re-arrangement means that we now have a designated play area for children and a play area for adults. My next project is out in there garage where I want to get it all cleaned up and a good stainless steel bench installed to place my coffee machine on.

That, however may have to wait until our next IKEA visit.

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